Test Information
Year 3 & 4
For Year 3 & 4, SWAT MOCK EXAM will follow the current format of the Opportunity Class (OC) Placement Test, testing in Reading, Mathematical Reasoning and Thinking Skills. The OC Test is a computer-based test and for the SWAT MOCK EXAM, students will complete one full-length computer-based OC test paper. The test will consist of 3 sections:
- Reading (30 minutes; 25 answers across 13 questions)
- Mathematical Reasoning (40 minutes; 35 questions)
- Thinking Skills (30 minutes; 30 questions)
No marks are taken off for incorrect answers in the multiple-choice tests.
Year 5
For Year 5, SWAT MOCK EXAM will follow the current format of the Selective High School Placement Test, which consists of a 30-minute computer-based writing test and three 40-minute multiple-choice tests in:
- Reading (30 answers across 16 questions)
- Mathematical Reasoning (35 questions)
- Thinking Skills (40 questions)
No marks are taken off for incorrect answers in the multiple-choice tests.
Students are given a stimulus for the writing test. Assessment for the writing test is based on:
- Appropriateness to the stimulus topic. No marks will be awarded if the writing is not based on the topic
- Quality of thinking about a topic
- Clear organisation of ideas
- Interesting and imaginative ideas
- Use of language
- Correct use of punctuation, grammar and spelling
Note: No marks will be awarded if the writing shares major similarities with other published works.
Schedule for 2025 is coming soon